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  • Capital Access Is Limited For The Seller
  • Customers & Competitors Are Receptive
  • Cultures & Regions Are Compatible
  • Change Catalysts Are Unlikely 

We Source Opportunities That Create Competitive Advantages for Our Buyer Clients


Our strategic approach relies upon research conducted by The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and Michael Porter from Harvard Business School.  We not only consider investment opportunities that achieve economies of scale and/or scope and leverage available management talent, but we seek "buy and build" investments that affirmatively answer four issues that provide competitive advantage to our investments upon successful execution.



Our Investments Must Answer Yes To:

  • Is capital access restricted to the Seller?

  • Are customers and competitors receptive?

  • Are cultures and regions compatible?

  • Are change catalysts unlikely? 


How We Achieve Competitive Advantage

for Our Buy-Side Clients Pre-Acquisition


  • Identify and fully investigate the first four issues

  • Assist in selecting proven leadership for cultural integration

  • Develop business strategy and successful branding

  • Offer economies of scale initiatives and/or scope

  • Leverage available managerial talent

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